IIM Ranchi-Rohtak-Raipur-Trichy (RRRT) GDPI Experiences (1/2)
Candidate: S.Satish Kumar

Shortlisted for: IIM Rohtak-Raipur-Trichy
XII- 86%, State Board, 2003
BE (CSE)- 77%, 2007
Work-Experience: 39 months
- BPO- Allsec techonology - 1 month
- TCS- ITES - 38 months
Group Discussion
Topic: It was very long, hence the crux of it~ "IT has caused equal amount of good and bad to Civil industry, what with the lack of construction workers/people skilled in Civil engineering these days"
No. of people: around 12
Thoughts: GD started decently, but spiralled out of control and became a fish market. One panelist pointed his finger at 2 people and asked them to speak (they hadn't spoken yet). The third time, one guy was so involved, he neither let anyone else speak, nor did he pay any heed to the panelist who was trying to let a 3rd person speak up. The panelist was also not happy with the directionless discussion (since I was sitting in front of him I could see his reactions). But the panelists were noting down some points periodically
I made 3 points...helped a female team member (the only one in my batch) make her point when no one was listening to her. My attempts to control the digression was a meow amongst the roars in the air
Experienced a GD myth get broken...
Myth: if you are a girl, and if you try to speak in a gd, everyone will stop shouting and listen to you so as to not invite the panelists' wrath!!
Truth: If your team members are *ssh**es, that's not gonna work!! Speak up if needed!!
Personal interview (approximately 10 minutes for everyone)
P1: Always smiling ever since I opened my mouth..asked stuff related to academics (did he?)
P2: seemed to be interested in current affairs
P3: He was/spoke cool...flummoxed me a lot
Me: A moron who overloaded his head with the 'IIM' pressure and too much data
I entered and handed over my file to P1.
P3: Would you like to have some biscuits?
Me: (controlling my gluttonous other half) No, thank you sir.
Them: So, tell us about yourself
Me: Told about hobbies and interests..made sure not to mention academics or college. Did mention the work ex though.. (P1 was grinning now, guess my answer looked pre-prepared..but it was all coming off the top of my head)
P3: So Satish...tell me 3 major environmental concerns you would have as a manager
- power consumption
- reusable components (now what was that??)
- ..
Me: (at an obvious loss of words and an appropiate reaction) Sorry sir, I do not know.
P3: Okay, what is major source of power for sweden/france (don't remember which one)?
Me: (Trying hard to recollect) Sir, Hydel power.
P2: (A disappointed sigh)
P3: (His reaction told me how "correct" I was)
Me: Sir, Wind power?? (pathetic me!!!)
P2: (An even more louder sigh)
P3: Are you guessing?
Me: Yes sir.
P3: As a manager you are supposed to know and not guess.
Me: Sorry Sir.
P3: think again and tell us, as a manager..what would be your 3 most critical environmental concerns?
Me: I repeat what I say and add the half-convincing point about planting more trees (I could sense him laughing on the inside)
P1: (Mentioning to others)..he is an Engineer...ok you are an engineer. Tell us what is efficiency? Tell us in engineering terms.
Me: Sir, in engineering terms. output/input
P1: Satisfied. Okay then what is effectiveness/productivity? What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness/productivity?
Me: Trying to be concise..Sir effectiveness/productivity is effective utilization of resources to give optimum output or results
P1: (unfathomable reaction but the smile was there) Okay, do you know the term %#^$?
Me: Sir, like he (P3) mentioned, I would rather not guess. Sorry sir, I do not know.
P1: You don't know %#^$? Okay.
P2: Okay, so there is this big problem going on currently..do you know what it is?
Me: Sir, it the public unrest happening in Libya. There is large-scale public unrest due to lack of democracy.
P2: Good..so what is its impact globally?
Me: Sir, since Libya is part of the oil producing countries, price of oil is going to shoot up drastically.
P2: Satisfied
Me: (instead of stopping...) Sir it started with the small uprising in Tunisia which spread to the neighboring countries.
P1,P2: Okay, what other countries?
Me: Sir...Tunisia...err..Libya... (my mind was so overloaded and confused, I could not recollect a simple words called Egypt and Mohammad Gadaffi
-- time for my abyssmal googly--
P1: (glancing through my file) Okay Satish, what is your favorite subject?
--I decided to take a risk, however my answer is true--
Me: Smiling Sir, apart from English....Ethics
Them: Ethics .. smiling and surprised
P3: Do you know about &^$ International?
Me: Sorry sir
P1: Okay, who is the most ethical person in the country?
Me: Sir, that is subjective and I cannot answer
P2: Okay, at least tell us who is the worst ethical person in the country?
Me: (Did not want to say no twice) Sir, as per current trends, I believe it is A.Raja sir
P3: (jumps in) How can you say that? It is not yet proved right?
P3: Satish, what you've been telling us so far...is not so convincing. Take 2 minutes, and the tell us what you would learn from 2 years of MBA at an IIM?
P1: Or any other insitute for that matter..
-- I think that was it--
P1: (to the others) Sir, do you have anything more to ask?
P2: No that would be it
P3: No..thank you gentleman, wish you all the best
P1: All the best then (when returning the file)
All 3 panelists were smiling throughout
Verdict: IIM Rohtak, Raipur and Trichy converted
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