Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow GDPI Experience (2011) - 3/3
Candidate: R P Mandeep Bhagat 
10th :84.6% (CBSE)
12th :91.4% (CBSE)
Work experience: 3 months Assistant Accountant
Venue: 12th March,IIM L Noida campus

10th :84.6% (CBSE)
12th :91.4% (CBSE)
Work experience: 3 months Assistant Accountant
Venue: 12th March,IIM L Noida campus
Essay and GD
We were a group of around 8 people, all guys. We were given around 10 minutes to write and the essay topic was something like "Education was once a holistic practice but now it has changed its parameters". And then we had GD on the same topic for next 15 minutes. There was healthy discussion by everyone and no fish market. I brought up points of gurukul system in early times and how imparting of education has changed into mere earning of money leading to mushrooming of various coaching centres. My performance was average, jumped in around 4-5 times.
Personal Interview:
The panel had 2 professors I would name P1 and P2. I enter and greetings exchanged.
P1:(Looking at my form) So u working now?
Me: No sir,after my graduation I worked for 3 months and then thought of resuming my studies and concentrating on cat.
P1: What exactly is Ceela International (firm I worked in)??
Me: told
P1:Ok, tell us what u like?
Me: Told them my hobbies-Solving sudoku,reading,listening to music.
P2:Hmm, you like Sudoku. Take this 3X3 grid and fill up figures 1-9 in it in such a way that the sum horizontal 3 figures or vertical 3 figures or diagonal 3 figures is 15.
Me: I tried solving it randomly, formed triplets whose sum is 15 and then tried to fit it in the grid but couldn't do it. Gave up after 2 minutes.
P2: (smiling) Ohh, there is a definite formula/approach to solve this but your random try was good.
P1:(Now my acads, WTF!!) Why such a low score in your graduation. Straight from ... to ... ?
Me: After my school it was a new experience to be in delhi and being in hostel. And in college I joined many societies and tried to balance my co-curriculars with academics. Also sir, the marking pattern of DU is such that university toppers gets 80 so ... is not very bad, though I admit its less.
P2: What are assets and liabilities?
Me: Explained well.
P2: If you are a bank then will u treat FD as asset or liabilities?
Me: (Confused, fumbled) Sir FD is asset for depositors and therefore it is liability for banks as some day after its expiry, bank has to return it to the depositors.(They did not seem satisfied)
P1: You were NCC cadet? What kind of certificates are issued in NCC?
Me: Yes sir I was in NCC till my 10th, which included basic training and camps but I dont have much idea about the certificates issued in NCC.
P2: Explain Mean, Median and Mode.
Me: Explained well with examples.(they were happy now)
P2: U have 2 dices, What is the probability of having 9 as summation of the 2 values u get by throwing them?
Me: Told there will be total 36 cases and formed pairs of values that give us a sum of 9-(3,6)(6,3)(4,5)(5,4). And then told the answer. I felt satisfied now.
P1: Take a toffee and u can leave
Verdict: Converted
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