Department of Management Studies-Delhi (DoM) or IIT-Delhi GDPI experience (1/1)
Location: DMS Delhi / IIT-Delhi
Date: 28th March, 2011
Time: 2pm
The first IIT experience of my life. The campus is astounding (barring the accommodation I was alloted, which can be excused considering the experience and knowledge one will get, post convert i.e).
Document verification & senior-interaction:
Everything was chilled out. Even if attested photocopies were unavailable, we were asked to self attest them. New photocopies if needed, were taken by the seniors for us. A very well managed process, in the most simple manner possible. The seniors played us a DMS clip and we all had an interaction after that, very 'insightful' I would say.
Group Discussion:
After the above process, my group of 12 was taken to the 4th floor. The mentor sincerely advised us to keep our taste for fish with us and against creating a fish market inside..alas, only if there were vegetarians in my group
Topic: Lousy managers- men or women
I realized I suck at general topics like this.
3 candidates spoke really well (not me please)..I could make my entry only thrice. Whenever I successfully piped down one person to make my point, someone else barged in at that precise second
. Overall, a noisy fish rub it in, one person tried to summarise the discussion before the time was up (with the intention of adding something to it I guess) and the panelist asked us to stop & leave, since the summary was already given 
Personal Interview (the biggie):
Since I was luckily/unluckily the first in my group...I was called in for the PI first. I stepped in to see 4 people chatting...4??? Another first for me
Sir1 (S1): DMS's Operations professor (Prof Ravi Shankar)
Sir2 (S2): personnel from the industry
Madam1 (M1): was quite uninterested in my answers
almost till the end
Sir4 (S4): Definitely from the industry
S1: (starts reading my form till starting of SOP)
Me: (
..what about the questions??)
S1: So Satish, why IIT-Delhi?
Me: (what should have been a well rehearsed answer...turned out to be one that came off my head at that moment....DMS's contribution to the establishment of IIM-Shillong and Kozhikode, the DMS IPR course... industry exposure,...!!)
S1: Oh did you go through the faculty profile??
Me: (damn that hurt!!) I am sorry sir, to be honest, I did not go through the faculty profile.
S1: (beckoning to S2) Okay Sir.
S2: Okay Satish, what is the work that you exactly do?
Me: (explained)
S2: So are you a project or team leader?
Me: Sir, unofficially a module leader... (then explained the TCS' generous promotion policy)
S2: All right. So more than 3 years now..How would you say you have contributed to the company?
Me: (explained with an example...mentioned winning best team award..M rolled her eyes in between which stunned
me momentarily)
S2: Okay am done. Thank you (smiling).
M: So, what other calls do you have?
M: So which one would you choose?
Me: (explained about the latter two...don't know how I forgot to mentioned IITB, which I hope they did not notice..ended by saying it would be a tight call)
M: Being a manager you can't say that. You have to choose!!
Me: Ma'am, can I answer assuming I have a call from IIT-D? (very stupid ques
M: Yes of course, you must. And yes, you can (I had asked the question for this exact answer though)
Me: (told)
M: Okay, thank you (throws a disarming smile, couldn't help but smile
S3: Satish, so you are from the CSE background. Are you aware of the current trends in the field?
Me: (inside:
) .. outside: Yes sir, to an extent.
S3: (smiles) Okay, could you please tell me what is grid computing?
Me: Sir to be honest...I have heard of it. But I cannot explain it...(then gave a half-baked answer)
M: Why do you keep saying "to be honest"?
Me: ......
M: So do you mean to say you are dishonest otherwise??
Me: .....
M: (looked satisfied)
S3: Okay, now could you tell us what is cloud computing?
Me: explained...(searched now and realized that my explanation was just okay)
S3: Can you give an example of a real-world application under cloud computing that has been tested and is in use??
Me: I am not sure sir. But cloud computing is very beneficial for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) ~should have mentioned the internet!!
S3: Would it be better to distribute the resources or keep them in a single location?
Me: explained
Them: Okay, you are done. Thank you.
Me: (after a pause) If you don't mind, I have a question
M: By all means, please go ahead.
Me: ..question..
S1: ..answered..
Me: (satisfied look on face...thanked each one of them and left the room).
PI timeline:
S1= ~2 min ; S2= ~3 min ; M= ~1.5 min ; S3= ~2.5min ; my Q&A session
= 2min .. total: ~11min
To average GD and a screwed up PI. Fingers crossed
Document verification & senior-interaction:
Everything was chilled out. Even if attested photocopies were unavailable, we were asked to self attest them. New photocopies if needed, were taken by the seniors for us. A very well managed process, in the most simple manner possible. The seniors played us a DMS clip and we all had an interaction after that, very 'insightful' I would say.
Group Discussion:
After the above process, my group of 12 was taken to the 4th floor. The mentor sincerely advised us to keep our taste for fish with us and against creating a fish market inside..alas, only if there were vegetarians in my group
Topic: Lousy managers- men or women
I realized I suck at general topics like this.
3 candidates spoke really well (not me please)..I could make my entry only thrice. Whenever I successfully piped down one person to make my point, someone else barged in at that precise second
Personal Interview (the biggie):
Since I was luckily/unluckily the first in my group...I was called in for the PI first. I stepped in to see 4 people chatting...4??? Another first for me
Sir1 (S1): DMS's Operations professor (Prof Ravi Shankar)
Sir2 (S2): personnel from the industry
Madam1 (M1): was quite uninterested in my answers
Sir4 (S4): Definitely from the industry
S1: (starts reading my form till starting of SOP)
Me: (
S1: So Satish, why IIT-Delhi?
Me: (what should have been a well rehearsed answer...turned out to be one that came off my head at that moment....DMS's contribution to the establishment of IIM-Shillong and Kozhikode, the DMS IPR course... industry exposure,...!!)
S1: Oh did you go through the faculty profile??
Me: (damn that hurt!!) I am sorry sir, to be honest, I did not go through the faculty profile.
S1: (beckoning to S2) Okay Sir.
S2: Okay Satish, what is the work that you exactly do?
Me: (explained)
S2: So are you a project or team leader?
Me: Sir, unofficially a module leader... (then explained the TCS' generous promotion policy)
S2: All right. So more than 3 years now..How would you say you have contributed to the company?
Me: (explained with an example...mentioned winning best team award..M rolled her eyes in between which stunned
S2: Okay am done. Thank you (smiling).
M: So, what other calls do you have?
M: So which one would you choose?
Me: (explained about the latter two...don't know how I forgot to mentioned IITB, which I hope they did not notice..ended by saying it would be a tight call)
M: Being a manager you can't say that. You have to choose!!
Me: Ma'am, can I answer assuming I have a call from IIT-D? (very stupid ques
M: Yes of course, you must. And yes, you can (I had asked the question for this exact answer though)
Me: (told)
M: Okay, thank you (throws a disarming smile, couldn't help but smile
S3: Satish, so you are from the CSE background. Are you aware of the current trends in the field?
Me: (inside:
S3: (smiles) Okay, could you please tell me what is grid computing?
Me: Sir to be honest...I have heard of it. But I cannot explain it...(then gave a half-baked answer)
M: Why do you keep saying "to be honest"?
Me: ......
M: So do you mean to say you are dishonest otherwise??
Me: .....
M: (looked satisfied)
S3: Okay, now could you tell us what is cloud computing?
Me: explained...(searched now and realized that my explanation was just okay)
S3: Can you give an example of a real-world application under cloud computing that has been tested and is in use??
Me: I am not sure sir. But cloud computing is very beneficial for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) ~should have mentioned the internet!!
S3: Would it be better to distribute the resources or keep them in a single location?
Me: explained
Them: Okay, you are done. Thank you.
Me: (after a pause) If you don't mind, I have a question
M: By all means, please go ahead.
Me: ..question..
S1: ..answered..
Me: (satisfied look on face...thanked each one of them and left the room).
PI timeline:
S1= ~2 min ; S2= ~3 min ; M= ~1.5 min ; S3= ~2.5min ; my Q&A session
To average GD and a screwed up PI. Fingers crossed
Verdict: Converted
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