Goa Institute of Management (GIM) GDPI Experience (1/1)
Candidate: S.Satish Kumar

Center: Rosewood park, Banglore
Date: 28th Feb, 2011
XAT: 79 %ile
Group Discussion:
Topic: Privatization in India has failed
No. of people: around 12
No. of panelists: 2
Every candidate had to make an introduction about the topic for 1 min, then it was an open house for approximately 10 minutes and then, a conclusion for 1 min by everyone. We had an essay on the same topic after the GD.
During my opening statement, I mentioned the FDI/FII inflow. Then mentioned the problem of privatization which is squashing of local markets/players. Also mentioned the level of corruption (scams) in the private sector and the lack of transparency.
Once the house was thrown open, it went smooth. I made the opening statement (for the first time ever in my life
My conclusion was quite haphazard but mentioned that one can't outright say that privatization in India has failed. This was earlier echoed by a female team member.
I was scribbling away. Ensured that I made an opening statement, gave pros then cons of privatization and then a conclusion. (One of the panelist mentioned that people could be rejected based on the essay, hence he asked us to take the essay seriously!!
Personal Interview:
Since I was the 3rd person in the group, it took me approximately 25 minutes to get in (the previous candidates had PI for approx 10-15 min each).
I enter and hand over my file.
P1: A gentleman in his 40s
P2: An elderly professor who hadn't spoken a word since the GD started (turned out to be otherwise during PI)
P1: Tell us about yourself please.
Me: ...
Since I had loaded my file with lots of certificates, P1 seemed a tad impressed while scanning through it.
P1: Oh, such a low percentile in XAT (shit!!
Me: Yes sir, I have to accept that I did not perform well in the Quantz section
P1: Oh, did you write cat? How did you perform in Quantz there?
Me: Sir it was the same case there. I managed only 53 percentile.
P1: Why what happened?
Me: Sir, I should have concentrated more in my math fundamentals at school
P1: But math is an important aspect of life and you will find it everywhere. Even as a manager you will face many situations involving math right? How will you manage an MBA program then?
Me: Yes sir, but I can assure you that the XAT instance is just a one-off case. And I am working on my math and with constant effort, am confident of managing it.
P1: Okay, tell us 3 important aspects of a manager
Me: Gave three points
P1: But the same applies to a leader na..he then gave an example
Me: (smiling) yes sir
P1: You mentioned motivating your team for good output (had mentioned that as a point)..how would you motivate them?
Me: A very roundabout answer about meeting them and explaining them how their efforts would pay. Mentioned that I would stay back and put more efforts if needed.
P1: Okay..but how exactyly would you motivate them?
Me: (Did not know what to say)
P1: Okay the most important thing is finding out what they expect from the project/company...then he went on to explain (I was surprised, but listened closely)
Me: Yes sir...I had explained the same, but on very general terms (gave a sheepish grin)
P1: Yes yes. (to P2) Sir, would you like to ask something? (he proceeded to go out)
------things get more interesting here
P2: I noticed you during the GD and you spoke really well.
P2: I don't have any questions as such...but I would like to ask you something since you are from Chennai (we then proceeded to talk about the political scenario in TN, and there was a lot of smiling and laughing. He did mention that this question would have no bearing on my selection, so he asked me to be honest)
P1 returns by now..and in a few minutes, snacks come in (mamma mia!!
P1: Would you like to have samosa or tea (my heart was leaping for it
P2: Are you sure? He is so intent on getting you to eat..
Me: (grining) It is okay sir, Thank you. I just had my lunch.
P2: All right, you have 3 years of work experience in TCS. Why not continue 2 years in the same line instead of spending so many lacs for MBA and then starting over with a new job?
Me: Mentioned about the industry exposure and the strong management foundation that I would receive during MBA...also mentioned that I had already planned for the expenditure by saving up on my salary (with little assistance from my father of course)...and both were impressed (especially P2)
P1: So which specialization are you interested in?
Me: (GIM does not offer operations..but stil..) Sir, I have preference for operations and marketing. Since GIM does not offer the former, I would go for the latter.
P1: Marketing is it? (he is a marketing professor at GIM). Okay, which domain are you interested in post-MBA?
Me: Sir, market reasearch...mentioned determining consumer demands/needs.....
P1: But market research as such has not yet picked up in India
Me: Yes sir. But take the example of Vodafone, Airtel etc...they have a large consumer base and are expanding rapidly. But to expand even further and for more profits, they need to know what exactly their consumer need from them..and this is where I believe market/consumer research comes in.
P2: Okay give us an honest answer. Did you join any coaching institute for speaking?
Me: Sir absolutely not. I did join a coaching institute, but that was just for the exam preparation.
P1: Why not?
Me: Sir, as I mentioned earlier (tell us about yourself) I have been reading English books for a long time now. That has added to my confidence...and generally, I am confident about my communication skills.
P2: But joining classes (gdpi training classes i.e) for the same is not bad. Because they finetune you..
P1: (nodded in agreement)
Me: Could only smile and nod in agreement.
----By now...I felt they were done with the questions
(both looked satisfied and their reaction gave me the feeling the interview was over)
P1: So what other calls do you have?
Me: Grinning
P2: Don't worry, your answer will have no bearing on the interview or the selection process
(I had started loving this Sir even more, he is too charming
Me: Sir xyz, GIM and hgk.
P1: Oh hgk huh, good good. So between GIM and hgk, which one would you choose?(hgk != IIM FYI)
Me: (Grinning so hard my teeth would have crumbled)
P2: Come on, don't worry, be honest, there won't be any problem.
Me: Sir, I have equal preference for GIM. But in the case I need to choose, hgk will have a slightly higher preference.
P1: Very good. You must always have choices. You should not be emotional, be emotional, but only in relations. All the best for hgk.
P1: Do you have any questions for us?
Me: (in my eagerness) Sir, the new campus is being shifted...
P2: (interrupts with a smile) new campus??
P1: Don't worry, it is quite far. And it will be really tough for you to visit the beaches frequently
P2 laughs and I grinned
P1: It is always good to ask questions...keep asking them.
(a momentary pause)
P2: Well that would be it gentleman. You did really very well. All the very best.
P1: You did well, thank you.
Me: stunned
There was no document verification. P1 did check for the GIM PI call letter.
My interview lasted approximately 20-25 minutes. It was a really wonderful experience. Whether I convert the call or not, the experience will always stay on my mind, especially the really cool panelists. Thank you Sirs.
Verdict: Rejected (must be the low XAT percentile)
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